
Mission Critical Partners Acquires URL Integration: Expands Capabilities in Data Integration

Mission Critical Partners (MCP) has acquired URL Integration (URL), an IT consulting company specializing in the planning and implementation of complex data exchange points for the criminal justice and public safety markets.

The acquisition furthers MCP’s commitment to helping mission-critical organizations improve emergency response outcomes by providing a vendor-independent solution designed to accelerate the transition to a more interoperable data-sharing environment.

Together, our combined expertise will equip our customers with the ability to realize more value from their data and related applications.

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“URL brings new skillsets that will help us better support our clients as they look to automate the flow of data in the emergency response ecosystem—from beginning to the end—including the criminal justice function.”

Kevin Murray - CEO, MCP

By the Numbers

URL Integration brings an impressive list of accolades to the MCP team.
Years of cumulative experience of URL Integration employees in the public safety sector
Exchanges implemented in state and local criminal justice operations
Total number of emergency response experts now under MCP umbrella
Number of states where URL Integration has actively worked

About the Acquisition

Leading the Way in Workflow Automation

URL’s added expertise will enable MCP to provide its customers with a new ability to automate the flow of data throughout the entire emergency response ecosystem, including the criminal justice function. For the last decade, URL has developed and deployed integrated data-sharing solutions that promote interoperability and improve communicating and collaboration.

Criminal Justice Expertise

URL brings a keen understanding of the processes and workflows within the criminal justice system, including arrest reports, criminal complaints and more. This added experience allows MCP to help agencies build real-time feeds to repositories such as NICS, NIBRS, sex-offender registries, victim notification and criminal history to protect their communities and prevent future emergencies.

Vender Neutrality

Since its inception in 2002, URL has mirrored MCP’s commitment to vendor neutrality. The acquisition furthers MCP’s holistic and vendor-neutral services offering for existing clients by adding new services including data analytics, systems integration and artificial intelligence prowess.

Improved Emergency Response

The combination of MCP and URL will help clients overcome their most complex challenges—from staffing challenges with solutions that increase efficiency and elimination of data entry, to improving decision-making during incidents as a result of having access to timely and accurate information.