Social Media and Emergency Response Webinar: Takeaways from the Charleston County 9-1-1 Social Media Pilot Program

Thursday, December 13, 2018

12 PM ET | 9 AM PT

Earlier this year, Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center, Mission Critical Partners, RapidSOS, and RapidDeploy led a pilot project completed in September that tested the use of social media data in emergency response along with collaborators from the Penn State University.

On Thursday, December 13 at 12 PM ET | 9 AM PT, pilot program participants, along with moderator Glenn Bischoff, former editor from Urgent Communications, will discuss the program during a live, panel-style event. The major takeaways from the pilot program will be discussed as well as the implications for the public safety industry.

Topics of discussion include:

  • The why behind the pilot program and the vision in Charleston County
  • How social media is impacting emergency response on a broad scale
  • How social media was implemented in the Charleston County 9-1-1 Center for the pilot
  • Lessons learned from the pilot project

Space is limited. Register today.

Moderated by

Glenn Bischoff, former Editor at Urgent Communications and Technical Editor/Writer, MCP

presented by

Jim Lake, Director, Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center

Dave Sehnert, Director of Innovation and Integration, MCP

Dr. Andrea Tapia, Penn State (PSU) College of Information Sciences' 3C Informatics

Reinhard Ekl, Chief Operating Officer, RapidDeploy

Tom Guthrie, Vice President of Operations at RapidSOS